Source code for pyDive.mappings

Copyright 2014 Heiko Burau

This file is part of pyDive.

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it under the terms of of either the GNU General Public License or
the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""If `numba <>`_ is installed the particle shape functions will
be compiled which gives an appreciable speedup.

import numpy as np
    from numba import vectorize
except ImportError:
    vectorize = None

[docs]class NGP: """Nearest-Grid-Point """ support = 1.0 @staticmethod def __call__(x): if abs(x) < 0.5: return 1.0 return 0.0
[docs]class CIC: """Cloud-in-Cell """ support = 2.0 @staticmethod def __call__(x): if abs(x) < 1.0: return 1.0 - abs(x) return 0.0
def __apply_MapOp(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function, mapOp): half_supp = 0.5 * num_coeffs_per_axis = int(np.ceil( dim = len(np.shape(mesh)) # ndarray which holds the non-zero particle assignment values of one particle coeffs = np.empty([num_coeffs_per_axis] * dim) if vectorize: # vectorize shape function to a compiled ufunc v_shape_function = vectorize(['f4(f4)', 'f8(f8)'])(shape_function.__call__) else: # numpy fallback v_shape_function = np.vectorize(shape_function.__call__) for idx, pos in enumerate(particles_pos): # lowest mesh indices that contributes to the mapping begin = np.ceil(pos - np.ones(dim) * half_supp).astype(int) # rearrange mapping area if it overlaps the border begin = np.maximum(begin, np.zeros(dim, dtype=int)) begin = np.minimum(begin, np.shape(mesh) - np.ones(dim) * half_supp) # compute coefficients (particle assignment values) for coeff_idx in np.ndindex(np.shape(coeffs)): rel_vec = begin + coeff_idx - pos coeffs[coeff_idx] = # do the actual mapping window = [slice(begin[i], begin[i] + num_coeffs_per_axis) for i in range(dim)] mapOp(mesh[window], coeffs, idx)
[docs]def mesh2particles(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function=CIC): """ Map mesh values to particles according to a particle shape function. :param array-like mesh: n-dimensional array. Dimension of *mesh* has to be greater or equal to the number of particle position components. :param particles_pos: 'd'-dim tuples for 'N' particle positions. The positions can be float32 or float64 and must be within the shape of *mesh*. :type particles_pos: (N, d) :param shape_function: Callable object returning the particle assignment value for a given param 'x'. Has to provide a 'support' float attribute which defines the width of the non-zero area. Defaults to cloud-in-cell. :type shape_function: callable, optional :return: Mapped mesh values for each particle. :type return: ndarray(N, dtype='f') Notes: - The particle shape function is not evaluated outside the mesh. """ # resulting ndarray particles = np.empty(len(particles_pos), dtype='f') def mapOp(sub_mesh, coeffs, particle_idx): particles[particle_idx] = np.add.reduce(sub_mesh * coeffs, axis=None) __apply_MapOp(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function, mapOp) return particles
[docs]def particles2mesh(mesh, particles, particles_pos, shape_function=CIC): """ Map particle values to mesh according to a particle shape function. Particle values are added to the mesh. :param array-like mesh: n-dimensional array. Dimension of *mesh* has to be greater or equal to the number of particle position components. :param particles: particle data. len(*particles*) has to be the same as len(*particles_pos*) :type particles: array_like (1 dim) :param particles_pos: 'd'-dim tuples for 'N' particle positions. The positions can be float32 or float64 and must be within the shape of *mesh*. :type particles_pos: (N, d) :param shape_function: Callable object returning the particle assignment value for a given param 'x'. Has to provide a 'support' float attribute which defines the width of the non-zero area. Defaults to cloud-in-cell. :type shape_function: callable, optional :return: *mesh* Notes: - The particle shape function is not evaluated outside the mesh. """ def mapOp(sub_mesh, coeffs, particle_idx): sub_mesh += particles[particle_idx] * coeffs __apply_MapOp(mesh, particles_pos, shape_function, mapOp) return mesh