Source code for pyDive.picongpu

Copyright 2014 Heiko Burau

This file is part of pyDive.

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"""This module holds convenient functions for those who use pyDive together with `picongpu \

import os
import os.path
import re
import arrays.h5_ndarray as h5
import structured

[docs]def loadSteps(steps, folder_path, data_path, distaxis=0): """Python generator object looping all hdf5-data found in *folder_path* from timesteps appearing in *steps*. This generator doesn't read or write any data elements from hdf5 but returns dataset-handles covered by *pyDive.h5_ndarray* objects. All datasets within *data_path* must have the same shape. :param ints steps: list of timesteps to loop :param str folder_path: Path to the folder containing the hdf5-files :param str data_path: Relative path starting from "/data/<timestep>/" within hdf5-file to the dataset or group of datasets :param int distaxis: axis on which datasets are distributed over when once loaded into memory. :return: tuple of timestep and a :ref:`pyDive.h5_ndarray <pyDive.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray>` or a structure of pyDive.h5_ndarrays (:mod:`pyDive.structured`). Ordering is done by timestep. Notes: - If the dataset has a '**sim_unit**' attribute its value is stored in ``h5array.unit``. """ assert os.path.exists(folder_path), "folder '%s' does not exist" % folder_path timestep_and_filename = [] for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if not filename.endswith('.h5'): continue timestep = int(re.findall("\d+", filename)[-2]) if not timestep in steps: continue timestep_and_filename.append((timestep, filename)) # sort by timestep timestep_and_filename.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) for timestep, filename in timestep_and_filename: full_filename = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) full_datapath = os.path.join("/data", str(timestep), data_path) h5data =, full_datapath, distaxis) # add 'sim_unit' as 'unit' attribute def add_sim_unit(array): if hasattr(array, "attrs") and 'sim_unit' in array.attrs: setattr(array, "unit", array.attrs["sim_unit"]) return array if type(h5data) is h5.h5_ndarray: h5data = add_sim_unit(h5data) else: h5data = structured.structured(\ structured.makeTree_fromTree(h5data.structOfArrays, add_sim_unit)) yield timestep, h5data
[docs]def getSteps(folder_path): """Returns a list of all timesteps in *folder_path*. """ assert os.path.exists(folder_path), "folder '%s' does not exist" % folder_path result = [] for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if not filename.endswith('.h5'): continue timestep = int(re.findall("\d+", filename)[-2]) result.append(timestep) return result
[docs]def loadAllSteps(folder_path, data_path, distaxis=0): """Python generator object looping hdf5-data of all timesteps found in *folder_path*. This generator doesn't read or write any data elements from hdf5 but returns dataset-handles covered by *pyDive.h5_ndarray* objects. All datasets within *data_path* must have the same shape. :param str folder_path: Path to the folder containing the hdf5-files :param str data_path: Relative path starting from "/data/<timestep>/" within hdf5-file to the dataset or group of datasets :param int distaxis: axis on which datasets are distributed over when once loaded into memory. :return: tuple of timestep and a :ref:`pyDive.h5_ndarray <pyDive.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray>` or a structure of pyDive.h5_ndarrays (:mod:`pyDive.structured`). Ordering is done by timestep. Notes: - If the dataset has a '**sim_unit**' attribute its value is stored in ``h5array.unit``. """ steps = getSteps(folder_path) for timestep, data in loadSteps(steps, folder_path, data_path, distaxis): yield timestep, data
[docs]def loadStep(step, folder_path, data_path, distaxis=0): """Load hdf5-data from a single timestep found in *folder_path*. All datasets within *data_path* must have the same shape. :param int step: timestep :param str folder_path: Path to the folder containing the hdf5-files :param str data_path: Relative path starting from "/data/<timestep>/" within hdf5-file to the dataset or group of datasets :param int distaxis: axis on which datasets are distributed over when once loaded into memory. :return: :ref:`pyDive.h5_ndarray <pyDive.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray.h5_ndarray>` or a structure of pyDive.h5_ndarrays (:mod:`pyDive.structured`). Notes: - If the dataset has a '**sim_unit**' attribute its value is stored in ``h5array.unit``. """ step, field = loadSteps([step], folder_path, data_path, distaxis).next() return field