.. _pyDive.ndarray: pyDive.arrays.ndarray module ============================ .. note:: All of this module's functions and classes are also directly accessable from the :mod:`pyDive` module. pyDive.ndarray class -------------------- .. autoclass:: pyDive.ndarray :members: __init__, gather, copy, dist_like Factory functions ----------------- These are convenient functions to create a *pyDive.ndarray* instance. .. automodule:: pyDive.arrays.ndarray :members: array, empty, empty_like, hollow, hollow_like, zeros, zeros_like, ones, ones_like Universal functions ------------------- *numpy* knows the so called *ufuncs* (universal function). These are functions which can be applied elementwise on an array, like *sin*, *cos*, *exp*, *sqrt*, etc. All of these *ufuncs* from *numpy* are also available for *pyDive.ndarray* arrays, e.g. :: a = pyDive.ones([100]) a = pyDive.sin(a)