In this section we are going through a few use cases for pyDive. If you want to test the code you can download
the sample hdf5-file
It has the following dataset structure:
$ h5ls -r sample.h5
/ Group
/fields Group
/fields/fieldB Group
/fields/fieldB/z Dataset {256, 256}
/fields/fieldE Group
/fields/fieldE/x Dataset {256, 256}
/fields/fieldE/y Dataset {256, 256}
/particles Group
/particles/cellidx Group
/particles/cellidx/x Dataset {10000}
/particles/cellidx/y Dataset {10000}
/particles/pos Group
/particles/pos/x Dataset {10000}
/particles/pos/y Dataset {10000}
/particles/vel Group
/particles/vel/x Dataset {10000}
/particles/vel/y Dataset {10000}
/particles/vel/z Dataset {10000}
After launching the cluster (Setup an IPython.parallel cluster configuration) the first step is to initialize pyDive:
import pyDive
Load a single dataset:
h5fieldB_z = pyDive.h5.open("sample.h5", "/fields/fieldB/z", distaxes='all')
assert type(h5fieldB_z) is pyDive.h5.h5_ndarray
h5fieldB_z just holds a dataset handle. To read out data into memory call load()
fieldB_z = h5fieldB_z.load()
assert type(fieldB_z) is pyDive.ndarray
This loads the entire dataset into the main memory of all engines. The array elements are distributed along all axes.
We can also load a hdf5-group:
h5fieldE = pyDive.h5.open("sample.h5", "/fields/fieldE", distaxes='all')
fieldE = h5fieldE.load()
h5fieldE and fieldE are some so called “virtual array-of-structures”, see: pyDive.structered
>>> print h5fieldE
VirtualArrayOfStructs<array-type: <class 'pyDive.distribution.multiple_axes.h5_ndarray'>, shape: [256, 256]>:
y -> float32
x -> float32
>>> print fieldE
VirtualArrayOfStructs<array-type: <class 'pyDive.distribution.multiple_axes.ndarray'>, shape: [256, 256]>:
y -> float32
x -> float32
Now, let’s do some calculations!
Example 1: Total field energy¶
Computing the total field energy of an electromagnetic field means squaring and summing or in pyDive’s words:
import pyDive
import numpy as np
h5input = "sample.h5"
h5fields = pyDive.h5.open(h5input, "/fields") # defaults to distaxes='all'
fields = h5fields.load() # read out all fields into cluster's main memory in parallel
energy_field = fields.fieldE.x**2 + fields.fieldE.y**2 + fields.fieldB.z**2
total_energy = pyDive.reduce(energy_field, np.add)
print total_energy
$ python example1.py
Well this was just a very small hdf5-sample of 1.3 MB however in real world we deal with a lot greater data volumes.
So what happens if h5fields is too large to be stored in the main memory of the whole cluster? The line fields = h5fields.load()
will crash.
In this case we want to load the hdf5 data piece by piece. The function pyDive.fragment
helps us doing so:
import pyDive
import numpy as np
h5input = "sample.h5"
big_h5fields = pyDive.h5.open(h5input, "/fields")
# big_h5fields.load() # would cause a crash
total_energy = 0.0
for h5fields in pyDive.fragment(big_h5fields):
fields = h5fields.load()
energy_field = fields.fieldE.x**2 + fields.fieldE.y**2 + fields.fieldB.z**2
total_energy += pyDive.reduce(energy_field, np.add)
print total_energy
An equivalent way to get this result is a pyDive.mapReduce
def square_fields(h5fields):
fields = h5fields.load()
return fields.fieldE.x**2 + fields.fieldE.y**2 + fields.fieldB.z**2
total_energy = pyDive.mapReduce(square_fields, np.add, h5fields)
print total_energy
square_fields is called on each engine where h5fields is a structure (pyDive.arrayOfStructs
) of h5_ndarrays
representing a sub part of the big h5fields.
can be called with an arbitrary number of arrays including
, pyDive.h5.h5_ndarrays
, pyDive.adios.ad_ndarrays
and pyDive.cloned_ndarrays
. If there are pyDive.h5.h5_ndarrays
or pyDive.adios.ad_ndarrays
it will
check whether they fit into the combined main memory of all cluster nodes as a whole and loads them piece by piece if not.
Now let’s say our dataset is really big and we just want to get a first estimate of the total energy:
total_energy = pyDive.mapReduce(square_fields, np.add, h5fields[::10, ::10]) * 10.0**2
Slicing on pyDive-arrays is always allowed.
If you use picongpu
here is an example of how to get the total field energy for each timestep (see pyDive.picongpu
import pyDive
import numpy as np
def square_field(h5field):
field = h5field.load()
return field.x**2 + field.x**2 + field.x**2
for step, h5field in pyDive.picongpu.loadAllSteps("/.../simOutput", "fields/FieldE"):
total_energy = pyDive.mapReduce(square_field, np.add, h5field)
print step, total_energy
Example 2: Particle density field¶
Given the list of particles in our sample.h5
we want to create a 2D density field out of it. For this particle-to-mesh
mapping we need to apply a certain particle shape like cloud-in-cell (CIC), triangular-shaped-cloud (TSC), and so on. A list of
these together with the actual mapping functions can be found in the pyDive.mappings
module. If you miss a shape you can
easily create one by your own by defining a particle shape function. Note that if you have numba
installed the shape function will be compiled resulting in a significant speed-up.
We assume that the particle positions are distributed randomly. This means although each engine is loading a separate part of all particles it needs to
write to the entire density field. Therefore the density field must have a whole representation on each participating engine.
This is the job of pyDive.cloned_ndarray.cloned_ndarray.cloned_ndarray
import pyDive
import numpy as np
shape = [256, 256]
density = pyDive.cloned.zeros(shape)
h5input = "sample.h5"
particles = pyDive.h5.open(h5input, "/particles")
def particles2density(particles, density):
particles = particles.load()
total_pos = particles.cellidx.astype(np.float32) + particles.pos
# convert total_pos to an (N, 2) shaped array
total_pos = np.hstack((total_pos.x[:,np.newaxis],
par_weighting = np.ones(particles.shape)
import pyDive.mappings
pyDive.mappings.particles2mesh(density, par_weighting, total_pos, pyDive.mappings.CIC)
pyDive.map(particles2density, particles, density)
final_density = density.sum() # add up all local copies
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Here, as in the first example, particles2density is a function executed on the engines by pyDive.algorithm.map()
All of its arguments are numpy-arrays or structures (pyDive.arrayOfStructs
) of numpy-arrays.
can also be used as a decorator:
def particles2density(particles, density):
particles2density(particles, density)
Example 3: Particle energy spectrum¶
import pyDive
import numpy as np
bins = 256
spectrum = pyDive.cloned.zeros([bins])
h5input = "sample.h5"
velocities = pyDive.h5.open(h5input, "/particles/vel")
def vel2spectrum(velocities, spectrum, bins):
velocities = velocities.load()
mass = 1.0
energies = 0.5 * mass * (velocities.x**2 + velocities.y**2 + velocities.z**2)
spectrum[:], bin_edges = np.histogram(energies, bins)
vel2spectrum(velocities, spectrum, bins=bins)
final_spectrum = spectrum.sum() # add up all local copies
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt