Graybat  1.1
Graph Approach for Highly Generic Communication Schemes Based on Adaptive Topologies

Graph Approach for Highly Generic Communication Schemes Based on Adaptive Topologies


GrayBat is a C++ library that presents a graph-based communication approach, which enables a mapping of algorithms to communication patterns and further a mapping of these communication patterns to varying hardware architectures. Therefore, a flexible and configurable communication approach for parallel and distributed applications. These mappings are established as an intermediate layer between an application and communication libraries and are dynamically adptable during run-time.

An application supported by GrayBat can be created with the following steps:

  1. Decide on how fine grain the application domain should be decomposed
  2. Model communication pattern of subdomains as a graph
  3. Choose mapping of graph vertices to peers
  4. Choose hardware to run the application on

The communication and graph environment (cage) is the central class of GrayBat. The cage provides both communication and graph operations to enable communication based on graphs and is a good point to get started. Otherwise consider the Game of Life example simulation which provides a full demonstration of utilizing GrayBat.

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