Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
▼ libSplash | |
▼ src | |
▼ include | |
▼ splash | |
▼ basetypes | |
basetypes.hpp | |
basetypes_array.hpp | |
basetypes_atomic.hpp | |
basetypes_compound.hpp | |
ColTypeBool.hpp | |
ColTypeDim.hpp | |
ColTypeDimArray.hpp | |
ColTypeString.hpp | |
ColTypeUnknown.hpp | |
generateCollectionType.hpp | |
▼ core | |
DCAttribute.hpp | |
DCDataSet.hpp | |
DCGroup.hpp | |
DCHelper.hpp | |
DCParallelDataSet.hpp | |
DCParallelGroup.hpp | |
H5IdWrapper.hpp | |
HandleMgr.hpp | |
logging.hpp | |
SDCHelper.hpp | |
splashMacros.hpp | |
▼ domains | |
DataContainer.hpp | |
Domain.hpp | |
DomainData.hpp | |
IDomainCollector.hpp | |
IParallelDomainCollector.hpp | |
AttributeInfo.hpp | |
CollectionType.hpp | |
DataCollector.hpp | |
DCException.hpp | |
Dimensions.hpp | |
DomainCollector.hpp | |
IParallelDataCollector.hpp | |
ParallelDataCollector.hpp | |
ParallelDomainCollector.hpp | |
pdc_defines.hpp | |
sdc_defines.hpp | |
Selection.hpp | |
SerialDataCollector.hpp | |
splash_parallel.h | |
splash_serial.h | |
version.hpp | |
AttributeInfo.cpp | |
DCAttribute.cpp | |
DCDataSet.cpp | |
DCGroup.cpp | |
DomainCollector.cpp | |
generateCollectionType.cpp | |
HandleMgr.cpp | |
logging.cpp | |
ParallelDataCollector.cpp | |
ParallelDomainCollector.cpp | |
SDCHelper.cpp | |
SerialDataCollector.cpp | |